13 November 2008

come on!

it took us a while as a lab to have our own reliable source of coffee. bob was kind enough to bring in his old but very fancy coffee maker, and then it was at least a month before we actually found a place to put it, got filters, etc. etc. so as of today we have used it exactly twice.

this morning we went to the break room to use it and it was gone. ok, excellent. we asked the front office, and they said they'd do a search. a half hour later they called to say they'd found it.

the entire coffee maker was IN THE DISHWASHER. not just the coffee pot. the whole thing, including the cord.

really? REALLY?

what frightens me is the high probability that whoever came up with this brilliant idea is down the hall mixing hazardous chemicals or using radioactivity. i'm not sure what makes me angrier: lack of coffee or lack of common sense.

the cherry on top of this sundae of idiocy is that after it was found in the wash, it was stolen. i just don't understand.

death of coffee maker + having the sanford & son themesong stuck in my head + leaving my umbrella on the bus = crabby

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