22 June 2011

Haikus On The New Mountain Dew Coolatta

First drink of the day
Me, iced coffee; Dew for you
Now both together

Dunks in my future
Too bad you're in Iowa
I'll taste and report

It best not be gross
Don't waste precious Coolattas
Time at home goes fast

Iced coffee is foul
You said, but these are aces
Yes, that's British slang

I don't feel so bad
Dragging you here; we agree
It is wicked good

Right up your alley
A small consolation for
Enduring my 'rents

Who else would concoct
Yellow Number Five and ice
Starbuck's got nothing

No doubt it will sell
But what about the manhood?
Does it affect that?

Braved Houston's east side
In search of the last Dunkin
'For rent'; how I wept!

08 June 2011

This week I have three houses (I'm pet-sitting).   Whichever one I'm at, I feel as though I'm neglecting the others.  Sad puppy-dog eyes from two of them and another that is not yet habitable due to the mountain of boxes containing all my earthly possessions, waiting patiently to be unpacked.

Last night's temperature was a mere 84 degrees, making the drive up to the Heights more pleasant with the windows down.  Especially at the light at Studemont and Washington, as the best smell of baked goods wafted in from the Sunbeam bakery down the street.  Fresh bread at a quarter to midnight.  Probably in the top five all-time best smells.  I sniffed as much as I could until the light changed and I was left huffing car exhaust.