25 February 2010

ah well

when life hands you lemons... you push them aside in favor of unlimited brisket at the barbecue cookoff.

18 February 2010


apparently it can be dry in houston.  it's been so static-y lately that i realized i unconsciously fist-bump every metal object in the vicinity so i get shocked on my knuckles and not my ever-so-sensitive jack the pumpkin king fingers.

16 February 2010

cheap and cheerful

let's talk about how i'm really an eighty-year-old woman: my thrift store extravaganza yesterday was so successful that i cannot help but share it with the internet.  a $200 leather skirt, still with the tags?  $4.  a silk puffy vest in my favorite shade of yellow?  $2.  at buffalo exchange, i even traded half a bag of my old crap for a brand new kenneth cole dress, previously $150.  aside from the smell of mothballs, it was an excellent day.

wow.  i just reread that and i think i'm one bottle of metamucil away from assisted living.

whatever, this way my new clothing desire is satisfied and i can put the rest of my money toward a summer trip to rome.  sono molto pratico, quando ho bisogno di essere.

*while i was shopping in sand dollar, an ad for frank's red hot came on the radio.. apparently their slogan is "i put that sh- on everything"?  while frank's on pizza is my newest food obsession, isn't that a bit...edgy for a station that normally plays delilah?

11 February 2010


i have a plan.  for my future, i mean.  because i have other, lesser plans too, like finding a way to acquire this vivienne westwood ring because it reminds me of beyonce's bionic hand thingy, and who doesn't want a bionic hand?  (mission accomplished, by the way.  thank you ebay for cheap knockoffs.)

ANYWAY.  this plan of mine is in motion.  so far, so good.   any more detail than that, however, i'm loathe to even put into words because despite my 27 years on this earth, i've never really shaken the childhood fear that talking about something i want automatically makes it Not Happen.  [see also: magical thinking; superstition; complete irrationality]

sigh.  of course all this forward thinking and weighing of options comes just when my sister arrives for her annual visit, when i should be showing her the sights (there are none) and eating massive quantities of mexican food (we have been).  i suppose i can multitask.