30 April 2008

now with pictures

so i take it back. i would rather present at lab meeting every week if i would never have to come home to find this:

that one i saw at dave's? it would be like a snack for this guy here. the picture doesn't really do him justice. (also it's blurry due to terror.)

i know i'm not the first one to see a cockroach. i know it's basically a fact of life in houston. i'll get over it, i promise, and i'll stop writing blogs about it. but there's really no preparing for a bug that's this huge. oh, and can FLY. eff that.

a diagram of my extermination efforts:

it did not work. the other problem is that this week i'm dogsitting, and i'd rather not use any bug sprays that could be dangerous for my little companion. because trust me, i'll be picking up some nuclear warheads.

anyway, this is what he looks like:

basically the child of an ewok and falkor the dragon from the neverending story. with the exception of some passive-aggressive pooping, he's been good. i can't stay mad when all he wants to do is curl up with me on the couch. plus he's blind in one eye and has metal plates in his hips. a little old man dog!

28 April 2008

at last

Q: You’re critical of the Beatles. Do you really hate them?
A: I don’t want to say I hate the Beatles. I don’t own any of their records. They ruined rock and roll. They put Motown out of business. So I never bought a new record ever until punk came out. The Beatles led to the Monkees. And it was a little hard hearing Lennon sing about "no possessions" when he was living in the Dakota. I was a yippee. Hippies got on my nerves. We made fun of hippies. I didn’t know it, but I was waiting for punk. And so that’s what I mean about the Beatles. I know they were amazing songwriters and all that, but I liked the Rolling Stones. I would’ve rather been at Altamont than Woodstock.

- movie director John Waters, in Details

finally someone agrees with me. unfortunately it has to be a guy who's famous for his bad taste.

23 April 2008


man arrested with alligator, water moccasin, and stolen hair trimmer in his car
only in texas. and not that far from here either.

inmate found hanged is possibly not a suicide
is life imitating the wire??

riaa sues homeless man
i bet they just wanted his cool fingerless gloves and newspaper blanket.

not news, but i kinda want this.

21 April 2008

waterboarding isn't always bad

yesterday, i saw my first cockroach. i was about to leisurely wash some dishes in the kitchen sink at dave's apartment when it appeared. after considering my options (my initial plan was threefold: scream, flail, and run away) i decided to take an enormous wad of paper towels and guide him to his death via the drain.

once he was down there i let the water run for what seemed like a while, but when i turned it off he just crawled right back out like he'd been relaxing in the jacuzzi. so i tried again. mission accomplished. he finally succumbed to his fate and disappeared down the drain so i didn't even have to deal with the remains.

to sum up, yes, i can be a wuss. in other, only slightly less terrifying news, i'm presenting at lab meeting in three days. i think i'd prefer bugs over talking about my work to a roomful of MD/PhD's.

[ed. note: the presence of the cockroach in no way reflects the cleanliness of dave's apartment. he is quite tidy in fact. however i still maintain that only one dish in the sink was mine at the time of the incident.]

14 April 2008

no more karaoke bars

one more in a list of reasons why i am boycotting christian's tailgate until further notice:

because FORTY EIGHT HOURS LATER i suddenly find myself humming nickelback. NOT OK.

12 April 2008

coming attractions

i haven't really been excited about a new movie in a while, mostly because i haven't been paying attention. (except for maybe Be Kind Rewind, and i didn't even see it.) today i came across a couple that could be interesting.. though probably not enough to propel me to a theater. i'm still getting over the waste of two hours that was I'm Not There.

- The Tracey Fragments, featuring the new miss thing, ellen page from Juno, but more importantly, a soundtrack by broken social scene. even if the movie sucks i'd be happy just to have new music from them. it also has all the other makings of an arty hipster classic: weird splitscreen shots, an unintelligible plot, dramatic yelling. so it may be a renter. sometimes i have a low tolerance for such things.

- Chapter 27. i only watched the trailer for this because the picture made it look like it starred jared leto as the sta-puf marshmallow man. (apparently he gained 60 pounds for the role. i smell an oscar! and chili cheese fries!) turns out he plays the guy who shot john lennon, and he thinks he's writing the next chapter of the catcher in the rye. (27, as it happens.) seeing as i don't really like the beatles OR holden caulfield i think i'll sit this one out and instead watch my so-called life and remember a time before 30 seconds to mars when the world made sense.

in a similar vein, scarlett johansson is releasing an album of tom waits covers. if it's anything like her singing at coachella last year.. do not want.

11 April 2008

signs that my neighbor is gay

(not that i have a problem with it. just saying. this is montrose after all.)

- shortly after moving in, he put a bench on the landing between our doors. a bench in a place where i don't think anyone will ever sit. so a decorative bench, if you will.

- around christmas, there appeared a decorative pillow on this bench. please keep in mind that a. both items serve no purpose and b. he is a male.

- he has a potted plant on the back stairs, in a special vase thingy, with a special vase holder thingy.

- he sings. loudly. to broadway showtunes and janet jackson.

what baffles me is that he has a bowl cut. i thought that anyone who exerted the mental energy required to see a decorative bench and think "this would be perfect for the small space in front of my door!" would also have the capacity to recognize an ugly haircut.

03 April 2008

smell ya later

nothing really new here, just complaining that this cold won't go away. whenever anyone's around i have my hand up to my face to hide my cro-magnon-like mouth-breathing. and whenever i'm alone i have a kleenex jammed in my nose because i'm tired of constantly wiping it. so why not just keep it there?