02 June 2008

my raw score

i'm thinking of giving this to dave to fill out. i figure we've been dating for over a year, this can be my annual performance review.

how will i do?
- doesn't like children: wow, minus 5 points isn't a good way to start off. (speaking of, should we have sent Crazy a mother's day card? ha.)
- goes to bed with curlers: actually, more like raccoon eyes. mascara eventually makes me look like i've been punched in the face.
- puts her cold feet on husband to warm them: it's like they know me!

hmm, not so good. on to the pluses:
+ has meals on time: wrong again! this will never ever happen.
+ can play a musical instrument: i knew ten years of lessons would come in handy for something.
+ jolly and gay: totally me. especially in the morning.

i can't wait to see my final score! good thing stuff like this exists or i would never know how i measure up as a girlfriend.

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