23 January 2010

as of late

  • michelle and i have a mutant mouse at work with backwards legs.  we've named him Flipper.  he probably has only one kidney, but he scoots around just fine so we're keeping him 'to see what happens'.
  • a new tradition has been instituted: the monthly air hockey championship.  now i will admit to my shortcomings in a lot of areas, but in air hockey.. i kick ass.  thankfully sean is a worthy opponent and enjoys playing as much as i do, so every month we go to the Tavern for best out of five, winner gets bragging rights for the entire month.  i was the inaugural champion for december (ha!) but had to relinquish my crown last week.  and regardless of who wins, my prize is always a bruise on my knee the size of a buick, from bashing it into the base of the table every time i make a shot.  (it matches nicely with the scar on the other one from my digger in cambridge.  symmetry is everything.)
  • my favorite quote from this US News article on the senate election: "there are two basic unwritten rules in Massachusetts: don't insult Catholics, and don't insult the Red Sox."
  • the dinner i had last week at Branch Water Tavern was awesome.  venison with squash, brussel sprouts, and bacon?  yes and please.  sean also brought to my attention that we need to go to Rainbow Lodge, where you can try antelope, ostrich, boar, etcetera.  being a meat-atarian, this will definitely happen soon.

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