02 September 2009


i know i said there would be a moratorium on cockroach blog entries. but i have to break it. a line has been crossed.

this summer hasn't been so bad. roaches and i have been coexisting peacefully for months now, and by 'coexisting' i mean 'smashing them with 10 pounds of the may issue of Vogue whenever one appears'. (sorry for the noise, downstairs neighbor.) no freaking out, no tears; i had resigned myself to the situation. but that was until last night, when i saw that they've been IN MY BED.

how do i know they're hanging out there, presumably having pillow fights and snuggling up in my comforter? because there is poop left behind. POOP.

how do i know what it looks like? oh i wish i didn't. no one should know. and bugs should never be so large that they leave FECES THAT ARE RECOGNIZABLE TO THE UNTRAINED EYE. but there it was, on the sheet. and then i checked the rest of the bed. ah yes; that's not a mint on my pillow. excellent.

so if in the near future you see me with bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep while scratching myself to death, i'm not a crackhead. it's the fucking roaches.

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