12 September 2008

third time's the charm

yesterday morning i stopped at the grocery store to get something for our lab lunch. on the way in, i passed a guy who smiled at me and said 'good luck!' i had no idea what he was talking about. when i went to check out i waited for half an hour, surrounded by people with cases of bottled water and batteries, and i was the asshole with strawberry shortcake.

yesterday was more of an annoyance; today it's getting surreal. almost every gas station is empty, buildings are boarded up, and there's tape on all the windows. i'm camped out at dave's house, watching cnn, and trying not to get caught up in the hype. whatever happens, we'll be fine. it's not like we have anywhere else to go. and judging from the pantry, we have enough snacks to last us through nuclear winter. and also, entertainment.

so bring it, ike. i'm ready.

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