11 August 2008

Miscellaneous Observations Monday

catchy, no?

tricky is doing his first north american tour in five years. will it include houston? of course not. same thing with wire. and they're so freakin old they'll probably end up in a rest home before they ever get around to any other city in texas that's not austin. what's worse is that i figured portishead would be touring as well since they just released an album, but there's no sign of that happening. so i can't even complain that they're not coming here.

what IS coming to houston, however, is more pink and orange. dunkin donuts is opening 10 more locations in the city. i could suggest a few places to start.. the empty building next to my bus stop (pleasepleaseplease), the vacant lot up the street, the lab across the hall...

yao ming slightly resembles sam the eagle from the muppets.

quote of the day is from louis armstrong: "All music is folk music, I ain’t never heard no horse sing a song.” (found here.)

i have to find a way to get a large dresser from the guild shop to my apartment tomorrow morning. this is the problem with having such a luxurious and earth-friendly vehicle a corolla. then the plan is to paint it, because i'm handy like that.

i convinced michelle to watch be kind rewind with me, and after all that hype... yawn.

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