courtesy of smitten kitchen, the greatest food blog ever. sorry, self-frosting nutella cupcakes, but these guys just pushed you out of the top spot.
30 January 2009
oh herrow, Newest Baked Good That I Will Be Attempting in the Near Future:
car bomb cupcakes. with bailey's frosting.
28 January 2009
i could play basketball, i'm tall
hook hook!*
what do dave and biggie have in common? they both have twitter accounts. 'yo, anybody know how the fuck Poppa supposed to get this damn sweater back in shape? shits stretched like mickey rourke' = quote of the day.
my newest t shirt endeavor:
slightly time-consuming, but a few lengthy phone conversations plus a few episodes of green wing made the seam-ripping go by quickly. i'm wearing it today, so we'll see how it goes over.
as if you required another reason not to name your child something asinine, a study shows adolescents with unpopular names are more prone to commiting crime. brilliant.
this is quickly degenerating into a random list of pictures and links. in that case, i find this strangely awesome.
a floating tent at the venice architecture biennale. speaking of italy, i would kill for a lemon fanta right now.
and for good measure, here's a picture of a baby panda. (baby dave!) wow, this went downhill fast.
what do dave and biggie have in common? they both have twitter accounts. 'yo, anybody know how the fuck Poppa supposed to get this damn sweater back in shape? shits stretched like mickey rourke' = quote of the day.
my newest t shirt endeavor:
as if you required another reason not to name your child something asinine, a study shows adolescents with unpopular names are more prone to commiting crime. brilliant.
this is quickly degenerating into a random list of pictures and links. in that case, i find this strangely awesome.
and for good measure, here's a picture of a baby panda. (baby dave!) wow, this went downhill fast.
27 January 2009
22 January 2009
20 January 2009
"'It's kind of disheartening," Freeman said. "In the little town we live in — this is a really small town — I don't know how you can live in such a small place and try to be separate.'"
actor freeman foots prom bill in sundance doc - david germain in AP
not to be a downer on a day like today (i won't lie, i got a little teary-eyed at the end of obama's speech this morning), but i just can't contain my amazement at the idea of a town that does not allow black and white students to attend the same prom. so morgan freeman paid for them to have one.
"Dr. Mason and other legal experts suggest that President Obama might be able to change things significantly for young women in science — and young men — by signing an executive order that would provide added family leave and parental benefits to the recipients of federal grants, a huge pool of people that includes many research scientists."
in 'geek chic' and obama, new hope for lifting women in science - natalie angier in the new york times
not very many PI's at the three institutions i've worked at have been women, and even fewer have had families. i understand that to succeed in any profession a lot of personal sacrifices have to be made, but in science the whole 'you can have it all' dream of a family and a career can seem fairly impossible for women. for people who pretty much rely solely on government funding, the next four years could be a good change.
actor freeman foots prom bill in sundance doc - david germain in AP
not to be a downer on a day like today (i won't lie, i got a little teary-eyed at the end of obama's speech this morning), but i just can't contain my amazement at the idea of a town that does not allow black and white students to attend the same prom. so morgan freeman paid for them to have one.
"Dr. Mason and other legal experts suggest that President Obama might be able to change things significantly for young women in science — and young men — by signing an executive order that would provide added family leave and parental benefits to the recipients of federal grants, a huge pool of people that includes many research scientists."
in 'geek chic' and obama, new hope for lifting women in science - natalie angier in the new york times
not very many PI's at the three institutions i've worked at have been women, and even fewer have had families. i understand that to succeed in any profession a lot of personal sacrifices have to be made, but in science the whole 'you can have it all' dream of a family and a career can seem fairly impossible for women. for people who pretty much rely solely on government funding, the next four years could be a good change.
14 January 2009
i have writer's block. too many thoughts in my head equals none in the blog. sorry.
after more than a week of vacation it was hard to come back to work and remember how to deal with people who are borderline autistic. awkwardness lives at baylor.
i experienced karaoke for the first time recently. michelle and i sang 'can't get you out of my head', because being a kylie fan is mandated by australian law.
excitement abounds because my sister is arriving tonight for her first visit to texas. i've spent the last few weeks compiling a very detailed list of things to do, but in all reality she'll probably end up watching a million dvds at my house while i'm at work. together, however, we will stay at home with wine and cheese and watch Fame, one of the greatest 'so bad it's good' movies of all time. seriously, it is awesome; keep in mind i will also sit down and watch Purple Rain if it's on.
just an hour left and then it's time for lab dinner at onion creek. mmm frito pie and a can of pearl.
after more than a week of vacation it was hard to come back to work and remember how to deal with people who are borderline autistic. awkwardness lives at baylor.
i experienced karaoke for the first time recently. michelle and i sang 'can't get you out of my head', because being a kylie fan is mandated by australian law.
excitement abounds because my sister is arriving tonight for her first visit to texas. i've spent the last few weeks compiling a very detailed list of things to do, but in all reality she'll probably end up watching a million dvds at my house while i'm at work. together, however, we will stay at home with wine and cheese and watch Fame, one of the greatest 'so bad it's good' movies of all time. seriously, it is awesome; keep in mind i will also sit down and watch Purple Rain if it's on.
just an hour left and then it's time for lab dinner at onion creek. mmm frito pie and a can of pearl.
07 January 2009
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