it was glorious. it tasted like home. then as i left work tonight, it started to snow. i got confused. this is still texas, right?

this is not what i signed up for. yesterday it was 70; let's do that again. everyone is freaking out about the roads, which is hilarious to me, so i've decided to stay at home under my blanket and edit the following video. it's short (the rest of it shall remain shrouded in mystery), but it is a classic: andie being andie, dave complaining about massachusetts, mike being informative, shady 'yeeeeee'-ing in the background, and me just laughing.

this is not what i signed up for. yesterday it was 70; let's do that again. everyone is freaking out about the roads, which is hilarious to me, so i've decided to stay at home under my blanket and edit the following video. it's short (the rest of it shall remain shrouded in mystery), but it is a classic: andie being andie, dave complaining about massachusetts, mike being informative, shady 'yeeeeee'-ing in the background, and me just laughing.
I blame the fluff for the snow.
Hey brooke it's Chris from BMC. How have ya been? long time no talk. Snow in Texas... thats nuts. You missed a hell of an ice storm up here in the Northeast. Hey you have AIM my sn is xsodaxmachinex if ya ever want to give me a shout. take care brooke!
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