11 April 2008

signs that my neighbor is gay

(not that i have a problem with it. just saying. this is montrose after all.)

- shortly after moving in, he put a bench on the landing between our doors. a bench in a place where i don't think anyone will ever sit. so a decorative bench, if you will.

- around christmas, there appeared a decorative pillow on this bench. please keep in mind that a. both items serve no purpose and b. he is a male.

- he has a potted plant on the back stairs, in a special vase thingy, with a special vase holder thingy.

- he sings. loudly. to broadway showtunes and janet jackson.

what baffles me is that he has a bowl cut. i thought that anyone who exerted the mental energy required to see a decorative bench and think "this would be perfect for the small space in front of my door!" would also have the capacity to recognize an ugly haircut.

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