that one i saw at dave's? it would be like a snack for this guy here. the picture doesn't really do him justice. (also it's blurry due to terror.)
i know i'm not the first one to see a cockroach. i know it's basically a fact of life in houston. i'll get over it, i promise, and i'll stop writing blogs about it. but there's really no preparing for a bug that's this huge. oh, and can FLY. eff that.
a diagram of my extermination efforts:
it did not work. the other problem is that this week i'm dogsitting, and i'd rather not use any bug sprays that could be dangerous for my little companion. because trust me, i'll be picking up some nuclear warheads.
anyway, this is what he looks like:

basically the child of an ewok and falkor the dragon from the neverending story. with the exception of some passive-aggressive pooping, he's been good. i can't stay mad when all he wants to do is curl up with me on the couch. plus he's blind in one eye and has metal plates in his hips. a little old man dog!