17 March 2008

put a potato on a string and drag it through south boston

only in lab would i get an email with the subject 'diaper fire in microwave'.

you know what makes me feel old? buying girl scout cookies. once i was past the age of actually selling cookies myself (yeah, i was a brownie..) my parents would usually buy a box for every family member from a coworker's kids or something. then last month when my coworker asked me if i wanted any it hit me that i have truly reached adulthood. now i can buy cookies for me and my kids more for me.

in traversing the internets, i came across this: tummy tuck jeans™. (not that i was looking for such things, but if my current thin mint intake continues the way it's been going, they may be on the horizon.)their slogan is 'camel toe, or your money back'.

anyway, happy saint patrick's day. i was going to make this but SOMEONE doesn't like stew. (i tease.. he eats all my failed culinary experiments without complaint, for which i am very grateful.) if i recall, last year on this day i walked home in the snow and chased mister michael around main street after he 'ran away'. here is a joke for you, and i can say this because i am 75% irish.
q: what is the irish catholic method of birth control?
a: prayer.


DLTDA said...

hey, sometimes your culinary creations even garner praise.

DLTDA said...

every time I come on here the jeans freak me out....they just look weird...