28 May 2010

hello, i'm johnny cash

regaling you, dear reader, with stories of my recent travels will have to be postponed.  san antonio is calling, where i will reenact highlights from The House on South East Street while eating these puffy tacos everyone talks about.

24 May 2010

if there's any way to encapsulate the past week, this is it.

13 May 2010

getting older

[I was talking with Mother. I suggested she take a trip West to visit the relatives. I said, "You’ll have a good time." She was quick to reply. "Now, John, you know perfectly well that I’ve never enjoyed having a good time."]

john cage - indeterminacy

this reminds me of my Grammy.

10 May 2010

alternative careers

- ballerina in dance company for the flat-footed/above-average in height
- professional appreciator
- Ethel Merman impersonator

06 May 2010
