26 June 2009


i'm going to spend next weekend in MANHATTAN!
this will be the longest week of my life.
(photo found here)

25 June 2009


why is it that once this lovely city has reached a comfortable summer temperature of 108 i have a sudden urge to bake? really, it's all i want to do. i made blondies on sunday for bob's birthday, and now i'm looking for any semi-legit excuse to make a cake. roopa's paper got accepted? congrats, here's a baked good. as if my kitchen doesn't already feel like the fifth circle of hell.

23 June 2009

yesterday i drove down richmond past two restaurants that are engaged in an ongoing billboard war.

pappadeaux: 'try our top shelf margaritas!'

khyber: 'what if they're made by a midget?'

21 June 2009

in summary:

(found here)

10 June 2009

valley of pioneers

did i mention i went to a psychic? i was in northampton with morgan the night before graduation and she wanted to do something exciting; it was either palm readings or tattoos. (i really pushed the tattoo idea but she resisted.. being a big sister/role model is a responsibility i take very seriously.)

so 'dorina' told me the following:
- i will be proposed to twice but married once
- i'm artistic but it can be my downfall
- i will become successful and have a famous name, but not a famous face

the last one i think is plausible, if by 'famous' she means people will say 'hey, is your middle name Middle? bwahahahaha!' actually, it's already happening. good job dorina!

that weekend i also learned that the controversy of the pronunciation of delano's has officially ended, because it is now called stackers. LAME. i didn't go in, because i will not patronize an establishment that has a line out the door of brahs in polo shirts and dirty sox hats worn backwards. it's like the loss of barselotti's was too much to bear so they had to ruin a perfectly decent bar. whatever, dudes. what made me feel better was seeing motown benny playing his bucket out front. at least that doesn't change. (and we are facebook friends, after all.)

09 June 2009


my first research paper is currently 'in review'. so, hooray? come on, journal of endocrinology. (edited by my former PI.. which is either very good or very bad.)

i hate being a nerd.

02 June 2009


Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
Found at skreemr.com