26 June 2008

that's it.

from now on i'm only wearing XXXL hoodies and baggy jeans.

24 June 2008

'who-serves-yogurt-at-their-wedding good'

feeling uninspired.. this, however, is hilarious. i hate those yoplait commercials so much i have to change the channel if one comes on.

19 June 2008

really? really?

my PI just handed me a flyer for DecapiCones®.

"plastic film tubes provide quick and easy restraint of rats, mice and other small animals...DecapiCones® restrain post-decapitation kicking and prevent personal contact with feces and urine."

or alternatively, Mouse-icles! just freeze and enjoy!

18 June 2008


here's your winning cheeseburger, paul pierce.

seriously though, i was glad i got to watch the celtics in person this year. (breaking the rockets' winning streak was a bonus.) too bad no one is at umass right now to jump off the DC or throw things from the high-rises.

17 June 2008

i am not rachael ray

ever since i discovered frozen yogurt at Berripop, there has been a constant flow of cash from my wallet to their register. in an effort to stop this madness, i tried to make my own. because it can't be hard, right? FALSE. when my parents came they brought me a mini ice cream maker (possibly the most bourgeois kitchen item ever) they found in the basement. and despite multiple attempts i just can't get it right.. it's edible, but it's not the same. so frozen yogurt gets added to the list of disappointments, and my gym schedule once again revolves around Berripop's closing time.

a few culinary miracles have occurred, when things taste just like they're supposed to, although they happen to be sort of random. so if i ever have a dinner party, expect crab cakes, pierogies, and linzer torte to be on the menu.

13 June 2008

so this is life after school

there have been so many ways to occupy my leisure time (that's pronounced 'lezzure') that i haven't been able to stop and pay attention to all the thoughts floating in my head. which is why i am currently sitting in a cafe in rice village drinking sangria and trying to sift through concerts, movies, books i want to read.. for example, next friday the shining is playing at river oaks, and then saturday is lebowski bash. priority definitely goes to the latter.

two weeks ago i went to galveston and swam in the gulf. that in itself was an achievement because on my list of things i fear, getting caught in the undertow is just below being stolen. i also came back with a truly spectacular sunburn. the desquamation process is almost done (from the latin for 'your skin is falling off') and i am now not so lobster-esque. anyway, we built sand castles wonders of the ancient world.

a sphinx and a pyramid. it's almost like being in egypt.

i also had my first successful screenprint. it's not perfect, but i'll take what i can get. i am modeling for my future catalog, in case i leave science to start a t-shirt business. hey, what's over there?

i highly recommend checking out the speech accent archive if you're like me and are easily entertained, or if you've ever wondered what the difference is between a new yorker and a bostonian. the one from beaumont, tx is very similar to what you might hear around houston and in my opinion is a cool-sounding/non-obnoxious southern drawl.

10 June 2008


02 June 2008

my raw score

i'm thinking of giving this to dave to fill out. i figure we've been dating for over a year, this can be my annual performance review.

how will i do?
- doesn't like children: wow, minus 5 points isn't a good way to start off. (speaking of, should we have sent Crazy a mother's day card? ha.)
- goes to bed with curlers: actually, more like raccoon eyes. mascara eventually makes me look like i've been punched in the face.
- puts her cold feet on husband to warm them: it's like they know me!

hmm, not so good. on to the pluses:
+ has meals on time: wrong again! this will never ever happen.
+ can play a musical instrument: i knew ten years of lessons would come in handy for something.
+ jolly and gay: totally me. especially in the morning.

i can't wait to see my final score! good thing stuff like this exists or i would never know how i measure up as a girlfriend.