28 March 2008

'what's your style? nemo?'

bah, i'm sick. and when i'm sick, i'm whiny. perhaps whiny enough that if i were wearing my studded belt, you might mistake me for an emo kid. but that would be dangerous being so close to mexico, because according to this, there are emo hunts underway. basically non-emo mexicans are saying 'we don't take kindly ta yer kind 'round here'. but, you know, in spanish. and in case you were wondering how to say 'emo' in spanish, it's 'emo'. you're welcome.

26 March 2008

ten days is a long time

the parental unit is arriving tonight. i'm looking forward to it, i kinda like playing tour guide, even though i'm not terribly knowledgeable. and i've already mentally prepared myself for the comments that are sure to come from my mother, such as "how can you see with your hair in your eyes?", "sit up straight, you're all hunched over", and the perennial favorite, "you look like inspector gadget in that trench coat".

i can only imagine what she'll say about my apartment. that's why i have a bottle of wine on hand.

i also pray that she does not go america all over everyone's asses when i take her to Fiesta!

17 March 2008

put a potato on a string and drag it through south boston

only in lab would i get an email with the subject 'diaper fire in microwave'.

you know what makes me feel old? buying girl scout cookies. once i was past the age of actually selling cookies myself (yeah, i was a brownie..) my parents would usually buy a box for every family member from a coworker's kids or something. then last month when my coworker asked me if i wanted any it hit me that i have truly reached adulthood. now i can buy cookies for me and my kids more for me.

in traversing the internets, i came across this: tummy tuck jeans™. (not that i was looking for such things, but if my current thin mint intake continues the way it's been going, they may be on the horizon.)their slogan is 'camel toe, or your money back'.

anyway, happy saint patrick's day. i was going to make this but SOMEONE doesn't like stew. (i tease.. he eats all my failed culinary experiments without complaint, for which i am very grateful.) if i recall, last year on this day i walked home in the snow and chased mister michael around main street after he 'ran away'. here is a joke for you, and i can say this because i am 75% irish.
q: what is the irish catholic method of birth control?
a: prayer.

10 March 2008

ten gallon hat

thanks to mani for telling people i'm from massachusetts, because it got me many a picture taken with various rodeo-goers. against my will, i should add. i did not see any actual bull riding or cattle roping or things of that sort, but free unlimited barbecue and shiner (my new favorite beer - sorry, sam) is still good enough for me.

there was also this exchange:
me: is that guy cutting the brisket with an electric knife?
dave: ...that's a prosthetic hand.

we finished the evening with fried oreos, mani's assertion that texas is in fact the greatest state in the country, and getting (almost) everyone on the longest train ride of my life to yell "texas.. fight!" all the way home.

03 March 2008


here's the part of my blog where i should be writing about my experience at the rodeo. instead, here's a picture of pan-kun and james.

if you are ever in need of cheering up, search for them on youtube. a real post is coming soon.